Beat The System (Global Game Jam)

Beat The System (Global Game Jam)

A genre hybrid of RTS and FPS

3 days
Game Programmer

Short Description

For GGJ 2022, the theme was duality, so we decided to mash up two genres that don’t typically get put together: FPS and RTS! Your goal is to capture the command posts by positioning turrets in FPS mode and controlling units in RTS mode while facing off against the enemy AI.

This is one of the most creative projects that I’ve had the pleasure to work on.

Post Mortem

This project was a pleasure to work on for sure! I got to test out my AI library for Unity and learned how I could potentially improve it. I also got to implement RTS mechanics for the first time, which was absolutely lovely considering how much time I used to spend playing those games.

I also was able to reuse my weapons system for the enemies, with great ease, all while making the sound designer’s life easy by adding in Unity Events where needed in the RTS menu so he could add in sounds without needing to go into the code at all.