Cube Apocalypse (Game Jam)

Cube Apocalypse (Game Jam)

Cubes are trying to kill you! Fight them with your fists and single shot spells!

3 Days
Core Gameplay, Combat, Enemies

Short Description

Cube Apocalypse is a 3D endless arena fighter/shooter. This is another jam where I feel proud of the code that I wrote - the systems ended up being so modular, that when we didn’t end up having functioning enemies in the end, I just took the hands weapon off of the player and slapped it on a cube and it simply worked! It was a very satisfying to be able to do so.

Post Mortem

This jam, I focused even more so on making modular systems. Everything was a component with single responsibility, there was a whole weapons manager I made so that entities could swap to different weapons at any time - and that system handled ammo as well so that Guns didn’t have to worry about writing the same code. I encourage you to check it out on GitHub!

A challenge that I faced with this jam was that it was happening during thanks giving weekend. Most of my team (including myself) had to leave early or temporarily leave the jam to spend time with loved ones. The enemies that my other programmer made didn’t end up working correctly, so I went back and made them at least functional so the game could be playable. Since the code was so expandable, this was pretty easy to do!