Sharpshooter (Game Jam)

Sharpshooter (Game Jam)

You've got one bullet and a limited amount of time, get as many targets as possible and the highest score!

3 Days
Sole Programmer

Short Description

Sharpshooter is a quick little game where you have to get as much score as possible by hitting the yellow targets and managing your flight-time. Green walls will give you time when you bounce off of them, red will take time but give score, and pink will take all of your time.

Post Mortem

This project was super fun to make! It was my first Jam in a long time and I had a couple of friends helping with the game/level design. All of the code was written by me. I was super proud of how nice and extendable I felt the code was; when I was adding sounds to the game as a part of the patch I made a week later, it was extremely easy to pop the sounds in where I needed them! I focused on making use of Unity events in combination with managers.

I personally think that this is one of my best arcade style games that I’ve made, and while I didn’t have an artist or sound designer (I made all the sounds myself) the game turned out pretty good!